Our past President Bob Dyer would like you to see his award winning presentation and exhibit "Chickaluma", the history of Egg Harvesting in Petaluma, California which is the town of our meeting place.

Push the button at right to see this

fabulous presentation.

Redwood Empire Collectors Club

Lloyd Chan has placed together two interesting presentations that show his wide collecting interests.  The first, "All that Glitters" depicts the gold and prose of Shakespeare's times and the second presents the coinage of ancient Roman times- "Collecting Alexander the Great".
Push the buttons below to see each of these
fabulous presentations.

Bill Lenarz would like you to see his award winning presentation and exhibit:

"Five Centavos Presidentes with CORREOS DE

           CHILEā€ Legend, 1928-1929"

A history of the earliest to the latest printings of this stamp.    Push the button at right to see this

fabulous presentation.

Ed Jarvis would like you to see his award winning presentation and exhibit:

 "Luxembourg Formular Cards 1870-1874"

This exhibit won high awards at the New York APS World Stamp Show.  It depicts rare and wonderful material that has taken many years to collect.

Push the button at right to see this

fabulous presentation.